This time I am going to talk about how to use HashiCorp packer to create a VM master image that can be used as a template to publish a Pool in VMware Horizon. Although there are many How-to’s on how to automatically create a template with packer, all the ones I have seen are oriented to Windows 10/11 and not for Linux. It is for this reason, that I gave myself the task of creating this post.

It is important to mention that VMware offers several examples of how to create a template for the different operating systems that can be automated with packer. Here is the link:

This article uses Ubuntu Linux 22.04 as an example, but it is also possible to automate any Linux version supported by VMware Horizon for Linux desktops.

Linux DistributionArchitecture
Ubuntu 20.04 and 22.04x64
Debian 10.13 and 11.5x64
Red Hat Enterprise Linux Workstation 7.9+x64
Red Hat Enterprise Linux Server 7.9+x64
Debian 10.13 and 11.5x64
SUSE Linux Enterprise Desktop (SLED) 15 SP3 and 15 SP4x64
SUSE Linux Enterprise Server (SLES) 15 SP3 and 15 SP4x64

To start, I have created a packer template for Ubuntu 22.04 that I am going to use for this demonstration. You can access this code from Github at the following link:

The first step would be to clone the GitHub repository locally. In my case I am using Linux on my main computer but Windows 10/11 can also be used for this example.

To do this we will use the command git clone "

Step 1: Clone packer-ubuntu-vsphere-horizon-iso repository

[rebelinux@PC ~]$ git clone ""
Cloning into 'packer-ubuntu-vsphere-horizon-iso'...
remote: Enumerating objects: 93, done.
remote: Counting objects: 100% (93/93), done.
remote: Compressing objects: 100% (67/67), done.
remote: Total 93 (delta 51), reused 63 (delta 24), pack-reused 0
Receiving objects: 100% (93/93), 287.93 KiB | 1009.00 KiB/s, done.
Resolving deltas: 100% (51/51), done.
[rebelinux@PC ~]$

Example: Packer folder content

[rebelinux@PC ~]$ ls "packer-ubuntu-vsphere-horizon-iso"
build-2204.ps1  files  ubuntu.pkr.hcl   http   setup
[rebelinux@PC ~]$

After having the repository in our local directory it is necessary to set the variables unique to our VMware vSphere environment.

Step 2: Rename the variables file

[rebelinux@PC ~]$ cd "packer-ubuntu-vsphere-horizon-iso/"
[rebelinux@PC ~]$ mv "" ""
[rebelinux@PC ~]$ 

Step 3: Modify variables

This section of the file defines the vSphere environment variables:

# Name or IP of you vCenter Server
vsphere_server          = "vcenter.lab.local"

# vsphere username
vsphere_username        = "administrator@vsphere.local"

# vsphere password
vsphere_password        =```````

# vsphere datacenter name
vsphere_datacenter      = "LAB-VSI-DC"

# vsphere cluster name
vsphere_cluster           = "RegionHQ-MGMT"

# vsphere folder name
vsphere_folder           = "Horizon Lab"

# vsphere network
vsphere_network         = "LAB-VM-Network"

# vsphere datastore
vsphere_datastore       = "SSD-VM-HIGH-CAPACITY-PERF-KN"

# vsphere VM Name
vsphere_vm_name         = "hz-tpl-ubuntu"

This portion of the file defines basic VM parameters such as credentials and modification scripts:

# final clean up script
shell_scripts           = [

# SSH username
build_username            = "godadmin"

# SSH password
build_password            = "godadmin"

# To generate an encypted password for user-data use the following command:
# mkpasswd -m sha-512
build_password_encrypted = "$6$rounds=4096$Y0SjrsU5WHubYJvb$0BJhswGEAokE2OqlRFTgiUhJnquzDt2hAnrb3.g3DNTATZ01VLNbxlLRLMLk.PTHiMeP8fUg9WfVx.HeL7e8E0"

# ISO Objects
iso_path = ["[HDD-VM-ISO-LOW-PERF] /ISO/Linux/ubuntu-22.04-live-server-amd64.iso"]

This portion of the file defines the Domain Environment settings for attaching the VM to Active Directory:

Note: For SSO to work, it is required to join the VM to an Active Directory domain
# NTP Server
ntp_server = "xx.xx.xx.xx"
timezone = "America/Puerto_Rico"

# AD Domain
ad_domain = "PHARMAX.LOCAL"

# AD Domain join password
join_password =`````

# AD Domain join username
join_username = "Administrator"

To finish this part of the file define the name of the Horizon Agent installation package:

# Horizon Agent install files
horizon_agent_file = "VMware-horizonagent-linux-x86_64-2303-8.9.0-21434177.tar.gz"

# Uncommnet this if using vcenter as web server
// horizon_agent_datastore = "HDD-VM-ISO-LOW-PERF"
// horizon_agent_path = "/ISO/VMWARE/Horizon/"

Step 4: Copy Horizon agent file locally

In this step it is mandatory to copy the Horizon Agent installation file to the files folder.

├── build-2204.ps1
├── "files"
│   ├── Place_Here_Horizon_Agent_Files.txt
│   └── "VMware-horizonagent-linux-x86_64-2303-8.9.0-21434177.tar.gz"
├── http
│   ├── meta-data
│   └── user-data.pkrtpl.hcl
├── packerlog.txt
├── setup
│   ├──
│   ├──
│   ├──
│   ├──
│   └──
├── ubuntu.pkr.hcl

Step 5: Initialize packer

Then it is required to initialize packer from the command line and validate the configuration.

[rebelinux@rebelpc]$ packer init .
Installed plugin v1.1.2 in ".config/packer/plugins/"
[rebelinux@rebelpc]$ packer validate .
"The configuration is valid."

Step 6: Create virtual machine template

Finally, to start generating the template for the Ubuntu VM it is necessary to execute the packer build . command. In the case of this packer template the file was created to make the process more simple to execute.

[rebelinux@rebelpc]$ ./ 
vsphere-iso.ubuntu: output will be in this color.

==> vsphere-iso.ubuntu: Creating CD disk...
    vsphere-iso.ubuntu: Warning: creating filesystem with (nonstandard) Joliet extensions
    vsphere-iso.ubuntu: but without (standard) Rock Ridge extensions.
    vsphere-iso.ubuntu: It is highly recommended to add Rock Ridge
    vsphere-iso.ubuntu: Setting input-charset to 'UTF-8' from locale.
    vsphere-iso.ubuntu: Total translation table size: 0
    vsphere-iso.ubuntu: Total rockridge attributes bytes: 0
    vsphere-iso.ubuntu: Total directory bytes: 0
    vsphere-iso.ubuntu: Path table size(bytes): 10
    vsphere-iso.ubuntu: Max brk space used 0
    vsphere-iso.ubuntu: 181 extents written (0 MB)
    vsphere-iso.ubuntu: Done copying paths from CD_dirs
==> vsphere-iso.ubuntu: Uploading packer3491041722.iso to packer_cache/packer3491041722.iso
==> vsphere-iso.ubuntu: Creating VM...
==> vsphere-iso.ubuntu: Customizing hardware...
==> vsphere-iso.ubuntu: Mounting ISO images...
==> vsphere-iso.ubuntu: Adding configuration parameters...
==> vsphere-iso.ubuntu: Set boot order...
==> vsphere-iso.ubuntu: Power on VM...
==> vsphere-iso.ubuntu: Waiting 3s for boot...
==> vsphere-iso.ubuntu: Typing boot command...
==> vsphere-iso.ubuntu: Waiting for IP...
==> vsphere-iso.ubuntu: IP address:
==> vsphere-iso.ubuntu: Using SSH communicator to connect:
==> vsphere-iso.ubuntu: Waiting for SSH to become available...
==> vsphere-iso.ubuntu: Connected to SSH!
==> vsphere-iso.ubuntu: Uploading ./files/ => /tmp/
==> vsphere-iso.ubuntu: Provisioning with shell script: ./setup/
    vsphere-iso.ubuntu: ===> Updating Apt
    vsphere-iso.ubuntu: > Disable invalid v4l2loopback driver...
    vsphere-iso.ubuntu: ===> Installing additional packages
    vsphere-iso.ubuntu: ===> Updating MLocate database
==> vsphere-iso.ubuntu: Provisioning with shell script: ./setup/
    vsphere-iso.ubuntu: ===> Enable the boot splash
    vsphere-iso.ubuntu: ===> Enable ssh password auth and permit root login
    vsphere-iso.ubuntu: ===> Add user to sudoers file
    vsphere-iso.ubuntu: ===> Change /etc/sudoers.d/PHARMAX.LOCAL permissions
==> vsphere-iso.ubuntu: Provisioning with shell script: ./setup/
    vsphere-iso.ubuntu: ===> Pointing NTP Server to PHARMAX.LOCAL Domain
    vsphere-iso.ubuntu: ===> Join PHARMAX.LOCAL Active Directory Domain
    vsphere-iso.ubuntu: Password for <sensitive>:
    vsphere-iso.ubuntu: ===> Disable use_fully_qualified_names in AD Login
    vsphere-iso.ubuntu: ===> Disable use_fully_qualified_names in AD Login
    vsphere-iso.ubuntu: ===> Enable Automatic home directory creation for network users
==> vsphere-iso.ubuntu: Provisioning with shell script: ./setup/
    vsphere-iso.ubuntu: ===> Extracting VMware Horizon Agent files to /tmp/hzagentdir directory
    vsphere-iso.ubuntu: ===> Creating /tmp/hzagentdir directory
    vsphere-iso.ubuntu: ===> Downloading v4l2loopback driver files
    vsphere-iso.ubuntu: ===> Downloading VHCI-HCD driver files
    vsphere-iso.ubuntu: ===> Extracting V4L2Loopback driver files
    vsphere-iso.ubuntu: ===> Patching V4L2Loopback driver files
    vsphere-iso.ubuntu: ===> Extracting V4L2Loopback driver files
    vsphere-iso.ubuntu: Building v4l2-loopback driver...
    vsphere-iso.ubuntu: make -C /lib/modules/`uname -r`/build M=/tmp/v4l2loopback-0.12.5 KCPPFLAGS="" modules
    vsphere-iso.ubuntu: make[1]: Entering directory '/usr/src/linux-headers-5.15.0-70-generic'
==> vsphere-iso.ubuntu: Skipping BTF generation for /tmp/v4l2loopback-0.12.5/v4l2loopback.ko due to unavailability of vmlinux
==> vsphere-iso.ubuntu: arch/x86/Makefile:142: CONFIG_X86_X32 enabled but no binutils support
    vsphere-iso.ubuntu:   INSTALL /lib/modules/5.15.0-70-generic/extra/v4l2loopback.ko
    vsphere-iso.ubuntu:   SIGN    /lib/modules/5.15.0-70-generic/extra/v4l2loopback.ko
    vsphere-iso.ubuntu:   DEPMOD  /lib/modules/5.15.0-70-generic
==> vsphere-iso.ubuntu: Warning: modules_install: missing '' file. Skipping depmod.
    vsphere-iso.ubuntu: make[1]: Leaving directory '/usr/src/linux-headers-5.15.0-70-generic'
    vsphere-iso.ubuntu: SUCCESS (if you got 'SSL errors' above, you can safely ignore them)
    vsphere-iso.ubuntu: ===> Installing v4l2loopback-ctl
    vsphere-iso.ubuntu: install -p -m 755 -d "/usr/local/bin"
    vsphere-iso.ubuntu: install -p -m 755 utils/v4l2loopback-ctl "/usr/local/bin"
    vsphere-iso.ubuntu: ===> Extracting VHCI-HCD driver files
    vsphere-iso.ubuntu: ===> Patching VHCI-HCD driver files
    vsphere-iso.ubuntu: patching file Makefile
    vsphere-iso.ubuntu: patching file usb-vhci-dump-urb.c
    vsphere-iso.ubuntu: patching file usb-vhci.h
    vsphere-iso.ubuntu: patching file usb-vhci-hcd.c
    vsphere-iso.ubuntu: patching file usb-vhci-hcd.h
    vsphere-iso.ubuntu: patching file usb-vhci-iocifc.c
    vsphere-iso.ubuntu: ===> Compiling VHCI-HCD driver files
    vsphere-iso.ubuntu: make testconfig
    vsphere-iso.ubuntu: ===> Installing Horizon Agent
    vsphere-iso.ubuntu: ===> Looking for vhci-hcd driver status
    vsphere-iso.ubuntu: ===> Found vhci-hcd driver, enabling Horizon USB redirection
    vsphere-iso.ubuntu: ===> Looking for V4L2Loopback driver status
    vsphere-iso.ubuntu: ===> Found V4L2Loopback driver, enabling Horizon Real-Time Audio-Video
    vsphere-iso.ubuntu: ===> Using install options: -A yes -U yes -a yes --webcam
    vsphere-iso.ubuntu: /tmp/hzagentdir
    vsphere-iso.ubuntu: The installation will install VMware Horizon Agent on your computer.
    vsphere-iso.ubuntu: Installation Start ...
    vsphere-iso.ubuntu: If you have any questions or issues regarding Linux VDI, please start a discussion at, and we will respond to you as soon as possible.
    vsphere-iso.ubuntu: You must restart your system for the configuration changes made to the VMware Horizon Agent to take effect.
    vsphere-iso.ubuntu: Installation done
    vsphere-iso.ubuntu: ===> Setting SSSD authentication (OfflineJoinDomain=sssd)
==> vsphere-iso.ubuntu: Provisioning with shell script: ./setup/
    vsphere-iso.ubuntu: > Cleaning all audit logs ...
    vsphere-iso.ubuntu: > Cleaning SSH keys ...
    vsphere-iso.ubuntu: ===> Remove default filesystem and related tools not used with the suggested
    vsphere-iso.ubuntu: ===> Remove other packages present by default in Ubuntu Server but not normally present in Ubuntu Desktop
    vsphere-iso.ubuntu: > Cleaning apt-get ...
    vsphere-iso.ubuntu: > Disable Ubuntu AutoUpdate...
    vsphere-iso.ubuntu: > Cleaning the machine-id ...
    vsphere-iso.ubuntu: > Cleaning cloud-init
    vsphere-iso.ubuntu: datasource_list: [ VMware, NoCloud, ConfigDrive ]
==> vsphere-iso.ubuntu: Executing shutdown command...
==> vsphere-iso.ubuntu: Deleting Floppy drives...
==> vsphere-iso.ubuntu: Eject CD-ROM drives...
==> vsphere-iso.ubuntu: Deleting CD-ROM drives...
==> vsphere-iso.ubuntu: Creating snapshot...
Build 'vsphere-iso.ubuntu' finished after 22 minutes 14 seconds.

==> Wait completed after 22 minutes 14 seconds

==> Builds finished. The artifacts of successful builds are:
--> vsphere-iso.ubuntu: hz-tpl-ubuntu

Example: VM created in vCenter


Example: Automated Ubuntu Installation Process


Example: VM image finalized


Now let’s move on to test the Ubuntu Linux 22.04 VM image using a VMware Horizon Pool already created for this purpose.


Example: VMware Horizon Linux Pool


Video: Ubuntu Image Test

In the second part of this series of articles I will be explaining how to modify this packer template and how to edit the scripts that configure the image.

