Hola a tod@s!

Estas últimas semanas he estado trabajando en mejorar mis habilidades de programación tomando en cuenta que ahora la tendencia es Software Defined Everything. En esta ocasión he estado dedicando tiempo a PowerShell creando varios reportes a través del proyecto de AsBuildReport creado por Tim Carman @tpcarman (Aquí el enlace ).

El reporte que he ayudado a terminar en esta ocasión está relacionado a documentar las instalaciones de VMware Site Recovery Manager. El reporte fue creado inicialmente por Matt Allford @mattallford y tome la iniciativa de culminar el trabajo que ya se había iniciado.

Según el portal de documentación de VMware:

Site Recovery Manager (SRM) es la solución líder en gestión de recuperación ante desastres, que ha sido diseñada para minimizar el tiempo de inactividad en caso de desastre. Proporciona gestión basada en políticas y coordinación automatizada, y permite realizar pruebas de los planes de recuperación centralizados sin provocar interrupciones. Se ha concebido para máquinas virtuales y es escalable para gestionar todas las aplicaciones en un entorno de vSphere.

VMware Documentation

El reporte se encuentra en estado inicial y en constante desarrollo, pero decidí liberarlo públicamente para poder recibir recomendaciones o más bien para fomentar que otros desarrolladores aporte a mejorar su contenido. El website de desarrollo del reporte se encuentra en Github les dejo el enlace para que puedan ver el alcance y el objetivo del proyecto.


Ahora bien, para comenzar necesitamos cumplir con los siguientes requisitos:

  • Multi-plataforma Windows, Linux o MAC
  • PowerShell v5.1+ ó v7
  • El módulo de AsBuiltReport.Core >= 1.1.0
  • El módulo de VMware PowerCLI >= 12.3+

Este reporte utiliza la versión de PowerShell 5.+ ó PSCore 7, para validar la versión podemos utilizar la variable `$PSVersionTable`` desde la consola de PowerShell:

PS /home/rebelinux> $PSVersionTable

Name                           Value
----                           -----
PSVersion                      7.2.0
PSEdition                      Core
GitCommitId                    7.2.0
OS                             Linux 5.15.4-arch1-1 #1 SMP PREEMPT Sun, 21 Nov 2021 21:34:33 +0000
Platform                       Unix
PSCompatibleVersions           {1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0…}
PSRemotingProtocolVersion      2.3
WSManStackVersion              3.0

PS /home/rebelinux> 

Para validar si tenemos los módulos requeridos podemos utilizar el comando Get-Module según se muestra en el siguiente ejemplo:

PS /home/rebelinux> Get-Module -ListAvailable -Name @('VMware.PowerCLI','AsBuiltReport.Core')

    Directory: /home/rebelinux/.local/share/powershell/Modules

ModuleType Version    PreRelease Name                                PSEdition ExportedCommands
---------- -------    ---------- ----                                --------- ----------------
Script     1.1.0                 AsBuiltReport.Core                  Desk      {New-AsBuiltReport...}
Manifest…            VMware.PowerCLI                     Desk      

PS /home/rebelinux>

Si el comando no produce algún resultado quiere decir que el módulos no están instalados. Para instalar la dependencia utilizamos el comando ``Install-Module`:

PS /home/rebelinux>  Install-Module -Name @('VMware.PowerCLI','AsBuiltReport.Core')

Installing package 'VMware.PowerCLI'

Copying unzipped package to '..\2052046370\VMware.PowerCLI'


PS /home/rebelinux> 

Una vez instalamos los prerrequisito podemos continuar con la instalación del módulo principal ``AsBuiltReport.VMware.SRM. Ya que este reporte todavía no ha sido liberado públicamente en PowerShell Gallery necesitamos realizar manualmente la instalación. El primer paso es descargar el código desde el portal de Github aquí .


Una vez descargamos el código necesitamos descomprimir el archivo, podemos utilizar el comando Expand-Archive en la consola de PowerShell.

PS /home/rebelinux/Downloads> Expand-Archive -Path ./AsBuiltReport.VMware.SRM.zip -DestinationPath .

PS /home/rebelinux/Downloads> ls AsBuiltReport.VMware.SRM

AsBuiltReport.VMware.SRM.json  AsBuiltReport.VMware.SRM.psm1       CHANGELOG.md  README.md  Src
AsBuiltReport.VMware.SRM.psd1  AsBuiltReport.VMware.SRM.Style.ps1  LICENSE       Samples
PS /home/rebelinux/Downloads> 

Luego es necesario copiar la carpeta descomprimida AsBuiltReport.VMware.SRM a una ruta establecida en $env:PSModulePath. El último paso que debemos seguir si estamos en Windows OS`` es abrir una ventana de PowerShell y desbloquear los archivos descargados utilizando el comando Unblock-File`.

$path = (Get-Module -Name AsBuiltReport.VMware.SRM -ListAvailable).ModuleBase; Unblock-File -Path $path\*.psd1; Unblock-File -Path $path\Src\Public\*.ps1; Unblock-File -Path $path\Src\Private\*.ps1

Un requisito opcional es generar los archivos de configuración que te permite establecer los parámetros de la organización que son utilizados para generar el reporte. Este proceso genera unos archivos tipo JSON que son utilizados como plantillas templates de forma que no tengas que llenar la información repetitiva cuando generes los reportes. Para ver el procedimiento de configuración, basta con hacer clic en el icono +.

Archivos de configuración (AsBuiltReport JSON)

El cmdlet de powershell New-AsBuiltConfig te permite generar la plantilla que utilizaremos como base del reporte. Esta plantilla establece los parámetros no técnicos del reporte.

PS /home/rebelinux>  New-AsBuiltConfig

 <        As Built Report Information      >
Enter the name of the Author for this As Built Report [jocolon]: Jonathan Colon
 <           Company Information           >
Would you like to enter Company information for the As Built Report? (y/n): y
Enter the Full Company Name: Zen PR Solutions
Enter the Company Short Name: ZENPR
Enter the Company Contact: Jonathan Colon
Enter the Company Email Address: jcolonf@zenprsolutions.com
Enter the Company Phone: XXX-XXX-XXXX
Enter the Company Address: Puerto Rico
 <            Email Configuration          >
Would you like to enter SMTP configuration? (y/n): n
 <       As Built Report Configuration      >
Would you like to save the As Built Report configuration file? (y/n): y
Enter a name for the As Built Report configuration file [AsBuiltReport]: HomeLab SRM Report
Enter the path to save the As Built Report configuration file [/home/rebelinux/AsBuiltReport]:

Name                           Value
----                           -----
Email                          {Port, Credentials, Server, To...}
Company                        {FullName, Contact, Phone, Email...}
UserFolder                     {Path}
Report                         {Author}

PS /home/rebelinux>

Una vez culminado el proceso se creará un archivo tipo JSON con el siguiente contenido:

    "Email":  {
                  "Port":  null,
                  "Credentials":  null,
                  "Server":  null,
                  "To":  null,
                  "From":  null,
                  "UseSSL":  null,
                  "Body":  null
    "Company":  {
                    "FullName":  "Zen PR Solutions",
                    "Contact":  "Jonathan Colon",
                    "Phone":  "787-203-2790",
                    "Email":  "jcolonf@zenprsolutions.com",
                    "ShortName":  "ZENPR",
                    "Address":  "Puerto Rico"
    "UserFolder":  {
                       "Path":  "/home/rebelinux/AsBuiltReport"
    "Report":  {
                   "Author":  "Jonathan Colon"

El comando New-AsBuiltReportConfig permite establecer los parámetros técnico del reporte como el nivel y tipo de información verbose level.

PS /home/rebelinux/ New-AsBuiltReportConfig VMware.SRM -FolderPath /home/rebelinux/AsBuiltReport/

Una vez culminado el proceso se creará un archivo tipo JSON con el siguiente contenido:

    "Report": {
        "Name": "VMware SRM As Built Report",
        "Version": "1.0",
        "Status": "Released",
        "ShowCoverPageImage": true,
        "ShowTableOfContents": true,
        "ShowHeaderFooter": true,
        "ShowTableCaptions": true
    "Options": {
        "ShowDefinitionInfo": false
    "InfoLevel": {
        "_comment_": "0 = Disabled, 1 = Enabled, 2 = Adv Summary, 3 = Detailed",
        "Summary": 1,
        "Protected": 1,
        "Recovery": 1,
        "ProtectionGroup": 1,
        "RecoveryPlan": 1,
        "InventoryMapping": 1
    "HealthCheck": {
        "InventoryMapping": {
            "Status": true
        "Protected": {
            "Status": true
        "Recovery": {
            "Status": true


Este archivo de configuración se puede utilizar para especificar el nivel de detalle del reporte como también que sesiones del reporte van a ser habilitadas.

Luego podemos generar el reporte utilizando el comando *New-AsBuiltReport -Report VMware.SRM -Target vCenter_FQDN*_or_IP. Es importante recalcar que es requerido utilizar la dirección del servidor de vCenter como Target.

PS /home/rebelinux/> New-AsBuiltReport -Report VMware.SRM -AsBuiltConfigFilePath /home/rebelinux/script/AsBuiltReport.json -OutputFolderPath /home/rebelinux/script -Target -Format HTML -Verbose -EnableHealthCheck -Credential $cred -ReportConfigFilePath /home/rebelinux/script/AsBuiltReport.VMware.SRM.json

VERBOSE: Loading As Built Report configuration from '/home/rebelinux/script/AsBuiltReport.json'.
VERBOSE: Loading module from path '/home/rebelinux/.local/share/powershell/Modules/AsBuiltReport.VMware.SRM/AsBuiltReport.VMware.SRM.psm1'.
VERBOSE: Loading AsBuiltReport.VMware.SRM report configuration file from path '/home/rebelinux/script/AsBuiltReport.VMware.SRM.json'.
VERBOSE: Setting report filename to 'VMware SRM As Built Report'.
VERBOSE: [ 12:49:41:970 ] [ Document ] - Document 'VMware SRM As Built Report' processing started.
VERBOSE: [ 12:49:42:016 ] [ Document ] - Executing report style script from path '/home/rebelinux/.local/share/powershell/Modules/AsBuiltReport.VMware.SRM\AsBuiltReport.VMware.SRM.Style.ps1'.
VERBOSE: [ 12:49:42:103 ] [ Document ] - Processing paragraph 'VMware SRM As Built Report'.
VERBOSE: [ 12:49:42:105 ] [ Document ] - Processing blank line.
VERBOSE: [ 12:49:42:110 ] [ Document ] - Processing paragraph 'Zen PR Solutions'.
VERBOSE: [ 12:49:42:111 ] [ Document ] - Processing blank line.
VERBOSE: [ 12:49:42:112 ] [ Document ] - Processing table 'Cover Page'.
VERBOSE: [ 12:49:42:114 ] [ Document ] - Processing page break.
VERBOSE: [ 12:49:42:115 ] [ Document ] - Processing table of contents 'Table of Contents'.
VERBOSE: [ 12:49:42:116 ] [ Document ] - Processing page break.
VERBOSE: [ 12:49:43:531 ] [ Document ] - Connected to protected site vCenter:
VERBOSE: [ 12:50:30:517 ] [ Document ] - Connected to vcenter-03v.zenpr.local
VERBOSE: [ 12:50:31:820 ] [ Document ] - Connected to protected site SRM: srmhq-01v.zenpr.local
VERBOSE: [ 12:50:31:821 ] [ Document ] - Processing section 'VMware Site Recovery Manager - SRMHQ-01V.' started.
VERBOSE: [ 12:50:31:823 ] [ Document ] - Processing paragraph 'VMware Site Recovery Manager is a bu[..]'.
VERBOSE: [ 12:50:31:833 ] [ Document ] - Processing blank line.
VERBOSE: [ 12:50:31:835 ] [ Document ] - Summary InfoLevel set at 1.
VERBOSE: [ 12:50:36:372 ] [ Document ] - Processing table 'Placeholder Datastore Mappings - SRM-HQ'.
VERBOSE: [ 12:50:36:375 ] [ Document ] - Processing section 'Placeholder Datastore Mappings' completed.
VERBOSE: [ 12:50:36:376 ] [ Document ] - Processing section 'Inventory Mapping Summary' completed.
VERBOSE: [ 12:50:36:377 ] [ Document ] - Protected Site InfoLevel set at 1.
VERBOSE: [ 12:50:36:377 ] [ Document ] - Collecting SRM Protected Site information.
VERBOSE: [ 12:50:36:387 ] [ Document ] - Processing section 'Protected Site' started.
VERBOSE: [ 12:50:36:395 ] [ Document ] - Processing paragraph 'In a typical Site Recovery Manager i[..]'.
VERBOSE: [ 12:50:36:396 ] [ Document ] - Processing blank line.
VERBOSE: [ 12:50:36:397 ] [ Document ] - Processing paragraph 'The following section provides a sum[..]'.
VERBOSE: [ 12:50:36:398 ] [ Document ] - Processing blank line.
VERBOSE: [ 12:50:36:398 ] [ Document ] - Discovered Protected Site SRM-HQ.
VERBOSE: [ 12:50:36:480 ] [ Document ] - Processing table 'Protected Site Information - SRM-HQ'.
VERBOSE: [ 12:50:36:483 ] [ Document ] - Processing section 'Protected Site' completed.
VERBOSE: [ 12:50:36:483 ] [ Document ] - Recovery Site InfoLevel set at 1.
VERBOSE: [ 12:50:36:484 ] [ Document ] - Collecting SRM Recovery Site information.
VERBOSE: [ 12:50:36:535 ] [ Document ] - Processing section 'Recovery Site' started.
VERBOSE: [ 12:50:36:536 ] [ Document ] - Processing paragraph 'In a typical Site Recovery Manager i[..]'.
VERBOSE: [ 12:50:36:537 ] [ Document ] - Processing blank line.
VERBOSE: [ 12:50:36:538 ] [ Document ] - Processing paragraph 'The following section provides a sum[..]'.
VERBOSE: [ 12:50:36:539 ] [ Document ] - Processing blank line.
VERBOSE: [ 12:50:36:539 ] [ Document ] - Discovered Recovery Site SRM-EDGE.
VERBOSE: [ 12:50:36:551 ] [ Document ] - Processing table 'Recovery Site Information - SRM-EDGE'.
VERBOSE: [ 12:50:36:554 ] [ Document ] - Processing section 'Recovery Site' completed.
VERBOSE: [ 12:50:36:555 ] [ Document ] - Protection Group Site InfoLevel set at 2.
VERBOSE: [ 12:50:36:555 ] [ Document ] - Collecting SRM Protection Group information.
VERBOSE: [ 12:50:36:561 ] [ Document ] - Processing section 'Protection Groups Summary' started.
VERBOSE: [ 12:50:36:563 ] [ Document ] - Processing paragraph 'In Site Recovery Manager, protection[..]'.
VERBOSE: [ 12:50:36:566 ] [ Document ] - Processing blank line.
VERBOSE: [ 12:50:36:567 ] [ Document ] - Processing paragraph 'The following section provides a sum[..]'.
VERBOSE: [ 12:50:36:570 ] [ Document ] - Processing blank line.
VERBOSE: [ 12:50:36:673 ] [ Document ] - Discovered Protection Group ZENPR-DB-PG.
VERBOSE: [ 12:50:36:735 ] [ Document ] - Discovered Protection Group ZENPR-MON-PG.
VERBOSE: [ 12:50:36:789 ] [ Document ] - Discovered Protection Group ZENPR-WEB-PG.
VERBOSE: [ 12:50:36:841 ] [ Document ] - Discovered Protection Group ZENPR-APP-PG.
VERBOSE: [ 12:50:36:855 ] [ Document ] - Processing table 'Protection Group Information - ZENPR-APP-PG'.
VERBOSE: [ 12:50:36:858 ] [ Document ] - Processing section 'Protection Groups' started.
VERBOSE: [ 12:50:36:873 ] [ Document ] - Processing paragraph 'The following section provides detai[..]'.
VERBOSE: [ 12:50:36:874 ] [ Document ] - Processing blank line.
VERBOSE: [ 12:50:36:892 ] [ Document ] - Processing section 'VMRS Type Protection Groups' started.
VERBOSE: [ 12:50:38:635 ] [ Document ] - Processing table 'VRMS Protection Group - ZENPR-APP-PG'.
WARNING: [ 12:50:38:639 ] [ Document ] - List table captions are only supported on tables with a single row. Removing caption from table 'VRMS Protection Group - ZENPR-APP-PG'.
VERBOSE: [ 12:50:38:639 ] [ Document ] - Processing section 'VMRS Type Protection Groups' completed.
VERBOSE: [ 12:50:38:640 ] [ Document ] - Processing section 'SAN Type Protection Groups' started.
VERBOSE: [ 12:50:39:145 ] [ Document ] - Processing table 'SAN Protection Group - ZENPR-APP-PG'.
VERBOSE: [ 12:50:39:147 ] [ Document ] - Processing section 'SAN Type Protection Groups' completed.
VERBOSE: [ 12:50:39:154 ] [ Document ] - Processing section 'Virtual Machine Protection Properties Summary' started.
VERBOSE: [ 12:50:39:167 ] [ Document ] - Processing paragraph 'The following section provides detai[..]'.
VERBOSE: [ 12:50:39:168 ] [ Document ] - Processing blank line.
VERBOSE: [ 12:50:39:234 ] [ Document ] - Processing section 'ZENPR-DB-PG Protection Properties (PlaceHolder)' started.
VERBOSE: [ 12:50:39:804 ] [ Document ] - Processing table 'VM Recovery PlaceHolder - ZENPR-DB-PG'.
VERBOSE: [ 12:50:39:811 ] [ Document ] - Processing section 'ZENPR-DB-PG Protection Properties (PlaceHolder)' completed.
VERBOSE: [ 12:50:39:855 ] [ Document ] - Processing section 'ZENPR-MON-PG Protection Properties (PlaceHolder)' started.
VERBOSE: [ 12:50:40:156 ] [ Document ] - Processing table 'VM Recovery PlaceHolder - ZENPR-MON-PG'.
VERBOSE: [ 12:50:40:158 ] [ Document ] - Processing section 'ZENPR-MON-PG Protection Properties (PlaceHolder)' completed.
VERBOSE: [ 12:50:40:204 ] [ Document ] - Processing section 'ZENPR-WEB-PG Protection Properties (PlaceHolder)' started.
VERBOSE: [ 12:50:40:554 ] [ Document ] - Processing table 'VM Recovery PlaceHolder - ZENPR-WEB-PG'.
VERBOSE: [ 12:50:40:556 ] [ Document ] - Processing section 'ZENPR-WEB-PG Protection Properties (PlaceHolder)' completed.
VERBOSE: [ 12:50:41:181 ] [ Document ] - Processing table 'Recovery Plan Config - ZENPR-MON-RG'.
VERBOSE: [ 12:50:41:198 ] [ Document ] - Processing section 'Virtual Machine Recovery Settings Summary' started.
VERBOSE: [ 12:50:41:245 ] [ Document ] - Processing paragraph 'The following section provides detai[..]'.
VERBOSE: [ 12:50:41:246 ] [ Document ] - Processing blank line.
VERBOSE: [ 12:50:41:257 ] [ Document ] - Processing section 'ZENPR-DB-RG VM Recovery Settings' started.
VERBOSE: [ 12:50:41:349 ] [ Document ] - Discovered VM Setting Linux-DB-01V.
VERBOSE: [ 12:50:41:571 ] [ Document ] - Discovered VM Setting Linux-DB-02V.
VERBOSE: [ 12:50:41:616 ] [ Document ] - Processing table 'Virtual Machine Recovery Settings - ZENPR-DB-RG'.
VERBOSE: [ 12:50:41:619 ] [ Document ] - Processing section 'ZENPR-DB-RG VM Recovery Settings' completed.
VERBOSE: [ 12:50:41:649 ] [ Document ] - Processing section 'ZENPR-APP-RG VM Recovery Settings' started.
VERBOSE: [ 12:50:41:696 ] [ Document ] - Discovered VM Setting Linux-APP-01V.
VERBOSE: [ 12:50:41:706 ] [ Document ] - Processing table 'Virtual Machine Recovery Settings - ZENPR-APP-RG'.
VERBOSE: [ 12:50:41:709 ] [ Document ] - Processing section 'ZENPR-APP-RG VM Recovery Settings' completed.
VERBOSE: [ 12:50:41:721 ] [ Document ] - Processing section 'ZENPR-WEB-RG VM Recovery Settings' started.
VERBOSE: [ 12:50:41:766 ] [ Document ] - Discovered VM Setting Linux-WEB-01V.
VERBOSE: [ 12:50:41:777 ] [ Document ] - Processing table 'Virtual Machine Recovery Settings - ZENPR-WEB-RG'.
VERBOSE: [ 12:50:41:779 ] [ Document ] - Processing section 'ZENPR-WEB-RG VM Recovery Settings' completed.
VERBOSE: [ 12:50:41:791 ] [ Document ] - Processing section 'ZENPR-MON-RG VM Recovery Settings' started.
VERBOSE: [ 12:50:41:840 ] [ Document ] - Discovered VM Setting Linux-Mon-01v.
VERBOSE: [ 12:50:41:853 ] [ Document ] - Processing table 'Virtual Machine Recovery Settings - ZENPR-MON-RG'.
VERBOSE: [ 12:50:41:856 ] [ Document ] - Processing section 'ZENPR-MON-RG VM Recovery Settings' completed.
VERBOSE: [ 12:50:41:858 ] [ Document ] - Processing section 'Virtual Machine Recovery Settings Summary' completed.
VERBOSE: [ 12:50:41:860 ] [ Document ] - Processing section 'Recovery Plans Summary' completed.
VERBOSE: [ 12:50:41:862 ] [ Document ] - Processing section 'VMware Site Recovery Manager - SRMHQ-01V.' completed.
VERBOSE: [ 12:50:41:893 ] [ Document ] - Document 'VMware SRM As Built Report' processing completed.
VERBOSE: [ 12:50:41:897 ] [ Document ] - Total processing time '59.93' seconds.
VMware SRM As Built Report 'VMware SRM As Built Report' has been saved to '/home/rebelinux/script'.
PS /home/rebelinux/>

Aquí les dejo el ejemplo del reporte generado.

    Page: /

Adicionalmente les incluyo varias opciones de cómo invocar el reporte.

# Generate a VMware SRM As Built Report for vCenter Server 'vcenter.zenpr.local' using specified credentials. Export report to HTML & DOCX formats. Use default report style. Append timestamp to report filename. Save reports to 'C:\Users\Jon\Documents'

PS C:\> New-AsBuiltReport -Report VMware.SRM -Target 'vcenter.zenpr.local' -Username 'administrator@vsphere.local' -Password 'P@ssw0rd' -Format Html,Word -OutputFolderPath 'C:\Users\Jon\Documents' -Timestamp

# Generate a VMware SRM As Built Report for vCenter Server 'vcenter.zenpr.local' using specified credentials and report configuration file. Export report to Text, HTML & DOCX formats. Use default report style. Save reports to 'C:\Users\Jon\Documents'. Display verbose messages to the console.

PS C:\> New-AsBuiltReport -Report VMware.SRM -Target 'vcenter.zenpr.local' -Username 'administrator@vsphere.local' -Password 'P@ssw0rd' -Format Text,Html,Word -OutputFolderPath 'C:\Users\Jon\Documents' -ReportConfigFilePath 'C:\Users\Jon\AsBuiltReport\AsBuiltReport.VMware.SRM.json' -Verbose

# Generate a VMware SRM As Built Report for vCenter Server 'vcenter.zenpr.local' using stored credentials. Export report to HTML & Text formats. Use default report style. Highlight environment issues within the report. Save reports to 'C:\Users\Jon\Documents'.

PS C:\> $Creds = Get-Credential
PS C:\> New-AsBuiltReport -Report VMware.SRM -Target 'vcenter.zenpr.local' -Credential $Creds -Format Html,Text -OutputFolderPath 'C:\Users\Jon\Documents' -EnableHealthCheck

# Generate a VMware SRM As Built Report for vCenter Server 'vcenter.zenpr.local' using specified credentials. Export report to HTML & DOCX formats. Use default report style. Reports are saved to the user profile folder by default. Attach and send reports via e-mail.

PS C:\> New-AsBuiltReport -Report VMware.SRM -Target 'vcenter.zenpr.local' -Username 'administrator@vsphere.local' -Password 'P@ssw0rd' -Format Html,Word -OutputFolderPath 'C:\Users\Jon\Documents' -SendEmail

Hasta Luego Amigos!
