On this occasion I will be talking about several enhancements I have been making to improve the AsBuiltReport.Veeam.VBR script.

Here is the link to the report in HTML format: Sample Report

A request made by a user was to add a health check to verify the expiration of the Tenant access account in Cloud Connect.


Another aspect that was added to the report was to capture vCloud Director resources within the Service Providers section.


Adding a graph to plot the space used in the Backup Repositories was one of the things I always wanted to do and this time I was able to add this feature by using the PScriboCharts Powershell module.


In v1.4.0 of the AsBuiltReport.Core module a default style theme was defined. This caused a Bug that did not allow the report to be generated. In this new release the Bug was fixed and in addition a Reportstyle option was added to let the user define which theme to use Veeam or AsBuiltReport.


Additionally, the style theme for the charts was modified to support this new change.

New default style: new_abr_default_theme

Veeam style: abr_veeam_theme

One of the changes made in version 0.8.1 was to remove the Infrastructure Hardening section since most of the content was integrated through Health Check distributed among several sections of the report. One of the sections that was not integrated was the identification of missing Windows patches on the Backup server. In this version a section was added to validate that the Backup server has the latest operating system patches installed.


Among the main purposes of this new version was to add the ability to generate a simple diagram of the Veeam Backup & Replication infrastructure. This diagram allows visualizing the components implemented in the infrastructure.

In this initial release the diagram only features the following components:

- Backup Server
  - Database Server
  - Enterprise Manager
- Proxy Servers
- Backup Repositories
  - Object Storage Repositories
  - Archive Object Storage Repositories
- Scale-Out Backup Repositories
- Wan Accelerators

Gradually I will be adding additional components to the diagram as well as information on the relationship between the components.


Finally, here are the rest of the changes that were introduced or fixed in this new release of the report:

## [0.8.6] - 2024-04-29

### Added

- Add Backup Infrastructure Diagram (WIP)
- Close [#155](https://github.com/AsBuiltReport/AsBuiltReport.Veeam.VBR/issues/155)
- Add vCD Resources to Service Provider section
- Add Backup Repository Space Utilization chart

### Changed

- Increase AsBuiltReport.Core modules to v1.4.0
- Migrate NOTOCHeading3 to NOTOCHeading4 to fix section heading
- Change charts palette to follow new AsBuiltReport.Core theme

### Fixed

- Fix [#149](https://github.com/AsBuiltReport/AsBuiltReport.Veeam.VBR/issues/149)
- Fix [#151](https://github.com/AsBuiltReport/AsBuiltReport.Veeam.VBR/issues/151)
- Fix [#150](https://github.com/AsBuiltReport/AsBuiltReport.Veeam.VBR/issues/150)

### Removed

- Remove EnableCharts option.
- Remove Infrastructure Charts

Hasta la Proxima!