Starting In Ontap 9.8 release NetApp decided to add support for the Windows SMB protocol to the FlexCache technology. At last…..

In this blog, I will create a source volume as origin and a flexcache volume on a remote cluster. In the lab example I will also validate the benefit offered by the ability to extend a central CIFS share natively.

I used the NetApp documentation as a reference to define what a Flexcache volume is and what it is used for.


A FlexCache volume is a sparsely populated volume that is backed by an origin volume. The FlexCache volume can be on the same cluster as or on a different cluster than that of the origin volume. The FlexCache volume provides access to data in the origin volume without requiring that all the data be in the FlexCache volume. Starting in ONTAP 9.8, a FlexCache volume also supports SMB protocol.

NetApp Documentation Portal

To begin with, I used as a reference the following diagram showing an Active Directory domain with two sites named Gurabo and Ponce. Both sites have an Ontap cluster with version 9.8P4. Flexcache requires the creation of Intercluster type interfaces.

Note: The Ontap simulator was used for the lab


The configuration I performed on the NAS-EDGE remote vserver was documented in case you are interested in seeing how to create a SVM from scratch.

In order to start with the lab it is needed to create a peer relationship between the local and remote vserver. To achieve this I use the command vserver peer create specifying the applications as flexcache.

Reference: vserver peer create
Note: Previously, a cluster level peer relationship was performed with the cluster peer create command
OnPrem-HQ::> vserver peer create -vserver NAS -peer-cluster OnPrem-EDGE -peer-vserver NAS-EDGE -applications flexcache 

Info: [Job 883] 'vserver peer create' job queued 

Once the peer relationship has been created between both vservers, you can continue to validate that the source volume was created as required. To validate the volume, the volume show command is used from the local cluster shell. In this lab I am going to use the volume named share.

OnPrem-HQ::*> volume show -vserver NAS                
Vserver   Volume       Aggregate    State      Type       Size  Available Used%
--------- ------------ ------------ ---------- ---- ---------- ---------- -----
NAS       NAS_root     OnPrem_HQ_01_SSD_1 online RW      20MB    17.66MB    7%
NAS       share        OnPrem_HQ_01_SSD_1 online RW      10.3GB   8.04GB   20%
19 entries were displayed.


Once the volume is identified, you can create the flexcache volume using the command volume flexcache create. It is important to mention that flexcache technology uses FlexGroup as a dependency when creating a volume. It is for this reason that the aggr-list option is used to specify which aggregates will be used to create the FlexGroup type volumes.

OnPrem-EDGE::> volume flexcache create -vserver NAS-EDGE -volume share_edge -aggr-list OnPrem_EDGE_0* -origin-vserver NAS -origin-volume share -size 10GB -junction-path /share_edge
[Job 595] Job succeeded: Successful.                                           


From the remote cluster shell you can verify the created volume by using the vol flexcache show command.

OnPrem-EDGE::> vol flexcache show
Vserver Volume      Size       Origin-Vserver Origin-Volume Origin-Cluster
------- ----------- ---------- -------------- ------------- --------------
NAS-EDGE share_edge 10GB       NAS            shares            OnPrem-HQ


From the local cluster shell you can see the source volume with the command volume flexcache origin show-caches. The flexcache volume previously created can be validated in the command result.

OnPrem-HQ::*> volume flexcache origin show-caches
Origin-Vserver Origin-Volume  Cache-Vserver  Cache-Volume  Cache-Cluster
-------------- -------------- -------------- ------------- --------------
NAS            share         NAS-EDGE       share_edge    OnPrem-EDGE
1 entries were displayed.


Now i proceed to share the share_edge cache volume using the SMB protocol. The command vserver cifs share create is used with the option of -path /share_edge to specify the junction-path of the flexclone volume.

OnPrem-EDGE::> vserver cifs share create -vserver NAS-EDGE -share-name share_edge -path /share_edge


Now you can see that the Share was created in the share_edge volume.

OnPrem-EDGE::> vserver cifs share show -share-name share_edge
Vserver        Share         Path              Properties Comment  ACL
-------------- ------------- ----------------- ---------- -------- -----------
NAS-EDGE       share_edge    /share_edge       oplocks    -        Everyone / Full Control


I have used the smbmap tool to validate that the shared folder can be accessed over the network.

[rebelinux@blabla ~]$ -H -p "XXXXX" -d ZENPRSOLUTIONS -u administrator 
[+] IP:	Name: NAS-EDGE.zenprsolutions.local                            
Disk                                              Permissions Comment
----                                              ----------- -------
share_edge                                        READ, WRITE
ipc$                                              NO ACCESS
c$                                                READ, WRITE
[rebelinux@blabla ~]$

In the performed test I copied the Very_Big_File.iso file to each site cluster SHARE volume.

Note: I modified the original diagram to show how the clients are connected


In this section you can see the commands used to connect the clients to the SHARE volume.

Note: Ubuntu Linux 20.04 was used for this lab scenario


root@CLIENT-HQ-01V:/home/godadmin# mount -t cifs -o username=administrator@zenprsolutions.local,password=XXXXXXXX //nas/shares /mnt/share/
root@CLIENT-HQ-01V:/home/godadmin# cd /mnt/share/
root@CLIENT-HQ-01V:/mnt/share# ls
RecApp-2021-02-20.webm   RecApp-2021-02-27.webm   Very_Big_File.iso   WSUS-Cleanup.ps1


root@CLIENT-EDGE-01V:/home/godadmin# mount -t cifs -o username=administrator@zenprsolutions.local,password=XXXXXXXX //nas-edge/share_edge /mnt/share_edge/
root@CLIENT-EDGE-01V:/home/godadmin# cd /mnt/share_edge/
root@CLIENT-EDGE-01V:/mnt/share_edge# ls
RecApp-2021-02-20.webm   RecApp-2021-02-27.webm   Very_Big_File.iso   WSUS-Cleanup.ps1


root@CLIENT-EDGE-02V:/home/godadmin# mount -t cifs -o username=administrator@zenprsolutions.local,password=XXXXXXXX //nas-edge/share_edge /mnt/share_edge/
root@CLIENT-EDGE-02V:/home/godadmin# cd /mnt/share_edge/
root@CLIENT-EDGE-02V:/mnt/share_edge# ls
RecApp-2021-02-20.webm   RecApp-2021-02-27.webm   Very_Big_File.iso   WSUS-Cleanup.ps1

In this last step the cp command was used to copy the Very_Big_File.iso file from the cluster to a local folder on the client. To measure the elapsed time of transfer the Linux time command was used.


root@CLIENT-HQ-01V:/mnt/share# time cp Very_Big_File.iso /home/godadmin/

real	2m7.513s
user	0m0.016s
sys	0m6.236s


root@CLIENT-EDGE-01V:/mnt/share_edge# time cp Very_Big_File.iso /home/godadmin/

real	4m2.391s
user	0m0.021s
sys	0m6.902s


root@CLIENT-EDGE-02V:/mnt/share_edge# time cp Very_Big_File.iso /home/godadmin/

real	2m16.169s
user	0m0.054s
sys	0m6.128s

Further on, the following table shows the elapsed time transfer of each test performed. As you can see the CLIENT-HQ-01V located at the Gurabo site has direct access to the shared folder at the origin volume helping to achieve a lower transfer time of 2m7.513s. The CLIENT-EDGE-01V is connected to the Ponce site using the shared folder from the flexcache volume where you can see that since the content was not initially in the cache the transfer time was higher 4m2.391s. This behavior is due to the need to load the entire contents of Very_Big_File.iso from the source volume over the InterCluster LIF connection. Finally, the CLIENT-EDGE-02V had a transfer time similar to CLIENT-HQ-01V (2m16.169s) since the content of the Very_Big_File.iso file is already in the cache of the flexcache volume.

Client NameElapsed TimeShareDescription
CLIENT-HQ-01V2m7.513s\NAS\SHARECopy from OnPrem-HQ Share
CLIENT-EDGE-01V4m2.391s\NAS-EDGE\SHARE-EDGECopy from OnPrem-EDGE Share without content cached (Flexcache)
CLIENT-EDGE-02V2m7.513s\NAS-EDGE\SHARE-EDGECopy from OnPrem-EDGE Share with content cached (Flexcache)

Hasta Luego Amigos!

